Georgettan's Pooram is a 2017 Malayalam film directed by K. Biju, starring Dileep in lead role. The screenplay is written by Y. V. Rajesh based on a story by Biju. It is produced by Arun Gosh and Bijoy Chandran under the banner of Shivani Entertainments and Chandvi Creations. Principal Photography began in October in ThrissurGeorge's father is a Marthomite priest who dreams his boy will be a priest but George as an adult happens to be everything opposite that is counted for priesthood material. George along with his friends loiters around a church ground known as Mathayyi Parambu used by commoners. They even charge for public functions hosted on the ground. One day Peter a shady businessman comes around claiming the land as his, this threatens George and challenges Peter's claim. Peter starts planning to gain the land through first gaining George's confidence. Will the public land be lost to builders or will it be maintained is told through a spirited game of Kabaddi.
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